Until Death Do Me and Words Part (I Live to Write Another Day.)【電子書籍】[ Myteis Usall ]

Until Death Do Me and Words Part (I Live to Write Another Day.)【電子書籍】[ Myteis Usall ]

<p>My umbrella that cloaks me from the rain.<br /> My flower that never dies.<br /> My breeze that’s never shy.<br /> Love you always just but, blow me away.<br /> What is this?</p> <p>Life is full of love and hate; good and bad. Through all our experiences, struggles, joys, and heartache, we eventually realize that life is not comprised of just our story, but instead the stories of everyone around us as well.</p> <p>While reflecting on his views and personal experiences, Myteis Usall shares a collection of moving free verse that explores a variety of topics and emotions that address the seasons of life, the never-ending struggles of the working who love life, the ups and downs of love gained and lost, the influence of nature on our journeys forward, and the blessings of family, faith, and the cycle of life.</p> <p>Until Death Do Me and Words Part is a volume of poems that explores one man’s back seat view as he travels around many different life experiences and learns that life is full of valuable and invaluable lessons that he deemed worth sharing.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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